Saturday 21 June 2008

Clematis 'Marie Boisselot' (Mme-le-Coultre)

Hardy climbing perennial, flowering from May to September with white flowers and cream stamens.
Pruning group 2 - do not cut too low down the plant, removing dead and weak stems down to a healthy pair of buds or shoots.

Grows up to 3m.


Scirpus zebrinus (Zebra rush)

Variagated foliage, banded white and green.

Nymphaea pygmaea helvola

Canary yellow flowers less than 5cm, flowering June to September.
Planting depth 30-60cm; spread 30cm.
Olive green leaves marked with streaks and blotches of brown.

Iris 'Sparkling Rose'

Sibirican iris, sun or part shade;
Height 60cm; flowers May - June.

Ligularia dentata 'Britt-Marie Crawford'

100cm x 60cm
Flowers August - September
Glossy chocolate maroon foliage - gorgeous purple underleaf
Shady position in moist, fertile soil

Zantedeschia 'Picasso'

Keep frost free in winter.
Needs moisture, semi-shade or full sun.
Keep bulbs dry in winter

Kniphofia 'Bees Lemon'

Flowers summer to early autumn, height 80cm x 60cm